
I'm a keen cyclist (and bike fettler) and live in Stratford-upon-Avon - and as of June 2010 I'm a "double end-to-ender" - JOGLE in 2005, LEJOG in 2010 (both unsupported)

The two photographs are taken at exactly the same point at the northern end of Glencoe - the one on the left in 2005 riding N-S and on the right in 2010 riding S-N (with the same bike and the same shorts)

Having drifted away from cycling as a result of : going to work, driving a car, getting married, children .... I eventually got back to cycling again 

The return to cycling in about 1999 was precipitated by the need to rehabilitate a damaged knee - after 18 months of discomfort and two arthroscopies the consultant recommended cyclng as a non-impact exercise, undertaken sitting down (most of the time) with a rotary action for the knee ... and good cardio-vascular exercise too.  In 2014 I contracted cancer which resulted in some pretty major surgery at the end of that year - but I'm still here!

After a few short rides I became more adventurous and went out with the local cycling group, Shakespokes.  Cycling holidays followed, riding with the CTC, Audax events and being involved in the founding of Heart of England Cycling Club in 2015 - and riding the velodrome track (strictly for fun) ... as well as acquisition of more bikes (current tally in December 2024 is just 4, it did hit a peak of 16 at one time)

Between 2005 and 2016 I organised, as a volunteer, cycle events to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support - the MacRide Events, in Warwickshire.  35 events and a net total of just over £800,000 raised - and over 2,000 jerseys sold (see pic above)

Having retired and gone back to work 2 or 3 times - including a 3 year stint managing (well, doing everything as it was just me) a local bike shop for the absentee owner I'm now fully retired and my time is spent cycling, running a micro-business servicing and repairing bikes, woodworking and generally trying to enjoy life.

I first cycled the end-to-end (JOGLE) in 2005, an end-to-end in France (Calais - Montpellier) in 2008 and LEJOG in 2010 ... my E2E rides : Rob & Joe's JOGLE 2005 is No 176 and Rob & Jon's LEJOG 2010 is No 529 in the listings.  Our French trip, Wine-ding Down Through France is also in The Journals.

Since 2012 I have organised a cycling club overseas tour each year - visiting France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and Germany.


There is another website, link on the right, that has some more about me, my bikes and other interests and includes a story about The Great Escape . . .