JOGLE 1,000 miles via Arran

Title:      JOGLE 1,000 miles via Arran
Category:      JOGLE - John O'Groats to Land's End
BookID:      638
Author(s):      Naythan Bellamy
ISBN-10(13):      638
Publisher:      JOGLE
Year:      2013
Edition:      Macmillan Caner Support & Sue Ryder
Number of pages:      0
Language:      English
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      no-img_eng.png           Button Buy now

My first tour, planned to celebrate my 40th birthday, we rode a predominantly quiet route via Arran, used quite a few cyclepaths, the occasional old railway line and a short stretch of canal towpath, all passable on 25c tyres and very scenic.

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