

An appointment system is in operation for the workshop, with work normally completed within 24 hours - simplest is to email your request (you will normally receive a reply within 3 hours) using the online form.

All work will have an initial assessment and a fixed cost agreed - any variations as a result of findings during the work will be advised and approval obtained before proceeding.

Basic parts and consumables are stocked but some components will need to be ordered.

Work not outlined below can also be carried out - from checking/assembling (PDI) a bike bought online to complete bike-builds or frame-swaps.

The two service options:

BASIC SERVICE - a thorough check for low/infrequent usage bikes, or just getting back on the road   £39

INTERMEDIATE SERVICE - the popular one - comprehensive checks for bikes in regular use  £49


Bikes bought online will arrive in a large cardboard box in various states - some partially "knocked down" and some almost ready to ride - in either case they need careful assembly and checking with correct torque settings on components etc.

Unpack, build, mechanical and safety checks  £30


Punctures* and tyre fitting

Brakes - servicing/adjusting

Wheels/Hubs** - servicing

Gears** - adjusting/indexing

Fitting parts

Labour - £20 per hour for any work outside the price list items (Min £15 to cover diagnosis and work within 45 minutes)

*   it is more economical to replace the inner tube rather than the labour to patch a punctured tube
** there are a few for which we don't have the specialist tools or equipment for: Di2/electronic gear shifting, tubular tyre fitting, suspension servicing and motor related work for electric bikes.

Prices at 1 May 2024

CLICK HERE to download leaflet pdf (opens in a new window, printable)